If Your Partner Is Using These Two Words, A Breakup Might Be Inevitable

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2. You and your significant other always walk out during fights.

According to Amanda Lopez, a licensed marriage and family therapist based in Vista, California, it can be understandable why some people choose to walk out during an ugly fight, but it’s important to understand that this type of behavior could be a recipe for disaster.

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Amanda would recommend asking your partner to give you space if that’s what you need, rather than making a habit out of storming out the room every time you have an argument. Running away from a fight isn’t the solution here. You need to focus on calming your thoughts and cooling down before you get to the discussion again.

Also, walking out during arguments is a sign of immaturity and will eventually lead to even bigger fights. Instead, try being calm, honest, and let the other person know what you feel. You will appear less dramatic if you learn how to handle them properly.

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1 thought on “If Your Partner Is Using These Two Words, A Breakup Might Be Inevitable”

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