14 Worst Things To Say To Someone

Photo by Cookie Studio from shutterstock.com

We are all humans. There will be times when we will only say good and appropriate things, and there will be moments when we might mess things up a little bit. But hey, both of these examples are a part of life. However, not everyone is open to this, and sometimes, people can get mad if you’re offending them.

You’ve just said something that wasn’t appropriate. The person who a few seconds ago was listening to you is now looking at you with a red and annoyed face. It is almost like in the cartoons we used to watch when we were children, with characters that were blowing steam out of their ears. It’s not what you’ve said that’s the problem; it’s what they’ve heard.

Take it from us: some statements function exactly like little silent ninjas, sabotaging your self-esteem and irritating your friends, family, partner, children, and coworkers—and the worst part is, you might not even recognize it.

We want to make sure that you will always stand on safe ground, so here are 14 things you should NEVER, EVER, EVER say to someone!

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1. I don’t care

There are times when you might be upset or angry with someone, and the only thing you want to do is to scream at them and say that you don’t care about what they do or want. There is no need to do that, especially when you will feel extremely sorry a few moments later.

When you say that, what they hear is “Please don’t bother me. I’ve got more important things to do than listen to you!”. Instead of having a harsh attitude, you can simply tell them that you are curious about their story but now is not a good time.

Photo by Black Salmon from shutterstock.com

2. You’re so fat/skinny

This is body-shaming at its finest and it is not your business how other people look! They already know what their bodies look like, there is no need for anybody else to point that out.

When it comes to a person’s weight, you never know if they have an eating disorder or are suffering from a medical condition. You might find that quality appealing, but bringing it up seems odd.

Think about it like this: you wouldn’t like it to hear something like that from another person.

Wondering what you can say instead? Nothing at all!

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3. You can’t do that, why even try?

No, no, no! Don’t say that, even if you’re trying reverse psychology. You might not know how they will react, so why break their confidence? You’re basically telling them that they won’t succeed in what they are planning on doing, so why even bother to do so.

Of course, we understand that you want them to have realistic expectations and you are not trying to sugar-coat their situation, but how can you know what is good for somebody? What if the best path to success was a failure? Encourage them to at least try! It’s the best thing to do!

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4. You are not right!

We know that none can be right all the time, but there are nicer ways to say that, instead of saying “You’re wrong!” right in people’s faces. What they might hear or understand when you are telling them that is that they don’t know anything and that they don’t have any value.

Before jumping to conclusions, ask further questions, try to understand them, and if you don’t agree with them, say it in a more discreet and respectful manner. For example, “Me, on the other hand, I believe that…”, will surely work out better.

5. I told you so!

This one is usually used when there is a contradictory situation going on. However, nobody likes being told, “I told you so!”. It is possible that these people are already in a bad situation, and there is no need for you to shoot a horse that is already dead.

You should help other people out, not bring them down. Ask them what happened and what can you do to help them.

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6. This shouldn’t be hard!

Everyone has their own Everest to climb, and everyone perceives their level of difficulty differently because there are no two persons alike! If you tell someone their job is simple, you’re denigrating their contribution to society and telling them that they don’t deserve their current income.

They might understand that they are not good enough because they can’t do something as fast or as good as other people do. As you might know already, we can’t be good at everything!

If someone is in need and comes to you for assistance, they have put their trust in you enough to expose you to their flaws. Don’t rub it in their faces by stating, “This should be simple.”

Photo by Standret from shutterstock.com

7. Congratulations on your baby! When is your due date?

Almost everyone has made the mistake of questioning the due date of a lady who is not pregnant. Some women have a stomach that looks like a pregnancy bump. This might be considered body-shaming as well. There is never a good time to make jokes about this topic, so it’s always better to just not say ANYTHING at all!

8. When are you planning on having kids?

This one is just as bad as the previous one! You should never ask a person or a couple something like this. You can never know if they are having trouble getting pregnant, if they are trying, or if they want kids,… it doesn’t matter. It’s their private life and you are not allowed to force yourself into it!

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9. Calm down!

It’s never going to work. Telling someone to “calm down” is a surefire technique to increase their irritation, so why even bother. It’s always best to keep a calm attitude and to talk to them about your situation, not get angry and start to yell.

10. In your relationship, who is the man or woman?

Oh, this question is such an annoying example of straight folks attempting to confine gay people into a square box. Who cares what they are doing inside their own homes? Masculinity and femininity are two sides of the same coin, so there is no need to be all judgy.

Photo by M Glavan from shutterstock.com

11. You have to move on!

We all know that it’s easier said than done to move on from something that has affected you on a deeper level. Even though you might have a good intention when you are telling someone something like this, it is not good, actually.

That is because you are suggesting that they should rush their healing process. You have to remember that everyone is different on so many levels, and even though you might find something easy, for others it can be a very difficult thing to do.

If you are telling someone to move on, you are giving off the idea that you don’t want to hear about their problem anymore. In addition to that, they can also understand the fact that you are telling them that it is not okay to feel what they are feeling, so it’s better to avoid saying this.

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12. It’s not that big of a deal!

This one can be interpreted in many ways. Saying something like this to someone can give off the impression that you have a superior attitude towards them. This is truly not the best thing to say to people who are already feeling down.

They might be overwhelmed by something in their lives that really seems like a big deal to them. What we consider to be insignificant is all about our frame of reference, because there is no such thing as a universal range!

What to say instead? Ask if you can help them and be emphatic!

Photo by Sharomka from shutterstock.com

14. It’s impossible for you to get it right

Have you ever been told that you’re always wrong? We are sure that it felt completely awful. Was this someone who has always had the worst intentions for you? They might have laughed at you while you were thrilled about a great new goal or dream.

To say something like this to someone is a terrible thing to do. It’s a thorn in the side of their self-assurance. Even though you might say something like this as a joke, there are people who won’t understand that. It’s always better to encourage them and to keep your negative thoughts to yourself.

Photo by Yury Zap from shutterstock.com


Have you ever discussed any of these things with anyone? If yes, how did they react? Do you know any other things that people shouldn’t say to other people?

We are curious to find out about your experiences, so make sure to let us know about them by leaving your thoughts in the comments section down below!

If you enjoyed reading this article, we have a lot more just like that! Make sure to check this one out as well: 7 Activities For Those Who Don’t Like Valentine’s Day!

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