10 Signs Your Relationship Is Solid as a Rock

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She doesn’t judge you

You know you found the right woman when you can be totally honest with her and vice versa and never feel like she’s judging you.

“No one wants to feel judged, especially by their sweetheart,” says Hall.

“Judgment can lead to feelings of resentment and contempt, both of which are hard to conceal and erodes the relationship. When couples can celebrate, or at least genuinely tolerate, each other’s differences, it will foster a happy, healthy and solid relationship.”

Your squad loves him

“We’re often impacted by our social circle’s influence, and having your friend’s seal of approval on the person you’re dating can provide peace of mind that significantly enhances the relationship,” says Hall.

You know you truly love someone, because when your squad gets together, he’s invited, too. And, while you’re friends aren’t the ones dating him, “it makes group get-togethers easier and more fun, rather than potentially uncomfortable and awkward had they not liked him.”

You don’t complain about her to your friends

She’s the type of woman that makes your life happier and gives it meaning. You don’t feel the need to complain to your friends about her because you respect her too much, and, in fact, you can’t think of anything negative about her. She’s too good to be true, but you know it’s real. You’re not up all night texting your friends about something she did or didn’t do. When something bothers you, you go directly to her.

“Our friends want us to be happy,” says Hall.

“When you don’t complain to your friends about your S.O., they’ll feel good about her as your partner and want to support the relationship.”

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