10 Signs Your Relationship Is Solid as a Rock

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You don’t dodge difficult discussions

You know you found the right partner when you can discuss everything with him/her. You can discuss tough topics like kids and politics. If this applies to you and your partner, then you have a solid foundation for a future together.

“Two-way communication is central to any viable marriage or relationship,” says Stacey Laura Lloyd, a dating, relationships, and wellness writer.

“When you and your partner can openly, honestly, and candidly discuss anything—and no topic is taboo—the bonds between the two of you are continuously strengthened,” Lloyd says that if you can’t handle talking about difficult topics, it’s only a matter of time before you can’t talk about meaningless things, either.

“Every relationship comes with challenges and difficult conversations,” says Megan Costello, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in Los Angeles.

“It’s how you navigate these discussions that really matters. Listen with empathy and strive to recognize strengths in your partner during conversations about difficult topics.”

You don’t want him to change

“Oftentimes the very qualities that attracted you to someone can repel you later,” says Andrea Syrtash, a relationship expert.

“For instance, you may have originally loved that your husband was so fun and spontaneous. Now, you may complain that he never plans anything in advance!”

When you meet the one, you don’t want to change him, because you love and accept him the way he is. You’re not secretly hoping he’ll make more money, or have six-pack abs. Syrtash suggests that you should try to remember what made you fall in love with him in the first place, instead of finding constant reasons to change him.

You trust one another

A healthy, solid relationship means having no problem when the other one is out with his/her friends on a Friday night. You want your partner to have a good time and enjoy the night with his/her friends without acting jealous.

“Trust and respect are the foundation of any healthy relationship,” Syrtash says.

“Without them, it won’t work.” You know he’d never do anything to betray your trust or something that would hurt you. You have one another’s backs and don’t keep secrets.

You know he’s into you

“In a healthy relationship, each partner will know how much they care about the other, because they’ll be focused on meeting their basic needs—emotional support, companionship, and affection,” says Lisa Hochberger, M.ED., educator and relationship expert.

You know what he feels about you, and you don’t feel the need to try to figure out his true motives, because his words and actions reveal his true feelings. When you reach this point in a relationship, even if he doesn’t text or call you back right away, that’s OK since you know that you’re solid. You have no reason to worry because he makes sure you’re loved every single day.

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