Raising successful children
We’re always looking at other people’s parenting skills in an effort to raise successful children. All kinds of questions can pop into a parent’s head. Should we make their bedtime earlier? Should we force them to take piano lessons? We have rounded up the parenting moves that seem to stimulate children on to greatness.

Give children chores
When women are allowed to complete tasks, the work ethic is developed from an early age. Not only does this give them an opportunity to participate in family life, but it also shows that they play an important role in the productive day-to-day functioning of their households. Doing chores also teaches children important skills that will be needed when they go to college and start their adult life.
Set high expectations
Parents of successful children have set high standards for their children as well as for themselves. More often than not, it helps children to rise to the challenge. If college is to be expected, students will be more willing to work toward that goal than if a parent doesn’t bother to mention it. Therefore, parents encourage their children to excel by modeling high standards of themselves and showing how hard they can work to achieve their goals.
It’s crucial to make sure your children’s aspirations are reasonable, but— they shouldn’t be pressured to believe they have to qualify for the Olympics, graduate as a valedictorian, or even keep their rooms clean 24/7—because the pressure to achieve excessively ambitious standards may contribute to anxiety and eventually backfire.
Get yourself educated
Percentage-wise, parents who have completed high school or college are more likely to have children who do the same thing. Parents who have not achieved higher levels of education may consider pursuing these educational objectives in order to set a good example for their kids. As a bonus, studies have shown that higher education reduces blood pressure.

Show them the good life
If you want your child to follow your footsteps— get a stable job, make a nice home, and also have a family — it’s helpful to make it look appealing. That doesn’t mean that you never say bad things or hide the truth about real-life from your children, but there’s something to say about designing a life that inspires your children to want to succeed. If they see that your hard work pays off and that it seems important, they will be more likely to invest in their own futures.
Make friends with numbers early
Teaching mathematics at an early age is not only a predictor of later achievement in mathematics but also in reading. Preschool is now putting more emphasis on math skills to prepare kids for the rigorous math expectations of elementary school and beyond. Giving your child a leg on these skills will set them up for future success.
Make time for bonding
Children who have a stable relationship with their parents are more likely to succeed than those who do not, regardless of their socio-economic status. That doesn’t imply you have to take them to Disney World or to the cinema every week, but you would do well to read a good book together at bedtime, share food whenever possible, and simply make yourself available when they need it.
Through maintaining a close relationship with your children from birth, you will help them feel grounded and safe — and stable children are more likely to become successful adults.

Teach troubleshooting
Parents of successful children give their children the resources they need to deal with problems, whether it means asking them how they think a word is written before dictating the answer or encouraging them to come up with ideas when problems occur. These moves allow children to develop a routine of trying to solve problems themselves, which leads to a sense of competence and trust — invaluable skills for navigating adult life.
Accept and recognize their feelings
Emotions are difficult to handle for a lot of people, especially children. It can, therefore, be particularly helpful to teach children how to recognize and know how to express their emotions. When children are young, add names to their thoughts, so that they can talk intelligently about them.
You could say, “I see you’re feeling really upset,” or, “I know it’s going to be frustrating to have to miss your friend’s party.” Allowing children the room to express their feelings and help them manage those feelings can help them become productive adults.
Try to chill out a little
Stressed parents are making children stressed out. Learn how to manage your own levels of stress to provide a stress-free home for your children. Stress is contagious — you don’t wanna pass it off to your children.
Read to them
Reading to your kids, even in infant stages, shows how communication works and improves their verbal skills when they enter formal schooling. Furthermore, reading with your child helps them develop their compassion and decision-making skills.