What Your Daughter-in-Law Wants You to Know

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3.You’re not in competition with daughter-in-law

Sometimes mothers-in-law see everything as a competition and they might feel like they have to compete for their son’s love. However, your son loves you since the day he was born, while the love he has for his future wife is a whole different thing.

You need to understand that even if he loves her very much, you’re still his mother. Don’t treat it like a competition, and try to accept the new person that joined your family.


4.Your daughter-in-law would like to hear some compliments from you

As previously mentioned, in-laws’ relationships tend to be very complicated, but it doesn’t have to be like that every time. For instance, a little compliment here and there will do wonders, and I assure you your daughter-in-law would love to hear that you like her dress or her new haircut.

The truth is, she’ll likely be intimidated by you and your opinion of her, so a simple compliment can change that and help you create a real connection.

Read also: Why Your In-Laws Are Driving You Crazy.

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