Dating Mistakes You Should Avoid Making In Your 40s


3.You’re using old photos as your profile picture.

Probably the best approach when dating in your 40s would be to focus on being authentic. Therefore, posting old photos over social media could give the false impression that you still look like that, even though the photo might have been taken years and years ago. Recent photos that show your true self are very important.

If you’re thinking about updating your social media profile pic, experts recommend trying to avoid uploading selfies or photos that do not reveal your best qualities. Chances are people won’t react to it and you’ll end up disappointed. Especially when it comes to your online dating profile, the more professional the photo, the better.

Additionally, doing your makeup and hair is also a good idea in order to get other people’s attention, if this is what you want. Relationship experts recommend thinking of a profile picture like you would treat a job interview. Therefore, wear your best clothes, make sure your hair and makeup are on point and don’t forget to smile. You can really take a photo to the next level if you follow these simple steps.

READ ALSO: 10 Signs You Ought to Say “Yes” to a Second Date.

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