5 Reasons Why Quiet People Have the Loudest Minds

Photo by fran_kie from shutterstock.com

Susan Gale used to say that “quiet people really do have a lot to say. They’re just being careful about who they open up to”. I think that she is right, even though sometimes they are perceived as being extremely shy, dumb or even judgmental.

Most of the time, many people are quiet because they are really loud inside their heads. They might be thinking about their problems, coming up with solutions for different issues, or living another life inside their minds.

If you had any doubts about quiet people, I am here to crash them all, because today’s topic is all about how these people actually have the loudest minds.

Photo by fran_kie from shutterstock.com

1. They have nothing to say

I don’t know about you, but there are a lot of times when I find myself in a situation where I don’t understand what’s happening or people make jokes I don’t agree with. Instead of saying something bad, that can upset someone, I prefer to keep it quiet.

I am sure that this is the case with other people as well and I think it is a good option to not say anything when you don’t have to. In my opinion, it’s better to keep everything to yourself instead of saying something off-topic, offensive or improper.

2. Deep thinking

While extroverted people tend to give you a response in a couple of seconds, the quiet ones prefer to think more about their response. For example, if somebody makes an appealing comment, an introvert can think about its meaning several minutes.

They tend to take the comments different ways, giving it a different signification each time. Being quiet doesn’t mean that you don’t know what to say, but it means that you actually listened and you are thinking about what you heard.

Since they are good at listening, their comments will be thoughtful. They will say what they have to say at the right time, without interrupting the person who’s speaking.

3. They might overthink

It’s all good when you give an extra thought to what you want to say, until you are so caught up in your thoughts, you can’t escape. When you start thinking too much of something, you will end up feeling anxious and even stressed.

If you over-think when you are in the middle of a conversation, you can end up without saying a word.

Yes, thinking through, deeply and carefully is good, but not when you find yourself in a situation when you can’t come out of your own thoughts.

Photo by Gearstd from shutterstock.com

4. They are evaluating what to say 

One of the many benefits of being a quiet person is that you think before you speak. While everyone seem to say everything in a second, sometimes even harsh words, quiet people don’t rush.

They are thinking of the best answer, they take their time to digest the information they receive and give their full attention to those who are speaking.

This is also a benefit when somebody drives them crazy. Instead of saying something they might regret later, they take the extra second to think it through. In that time, they can drop the negative words.

5. Disapproval 

Honestly, I present myself guilty when it comes to being quiet, but actually I’m disapproving something. Quiet people may observe something they don’t like and instead of saying it out loud, they prefer to keep it for themselves.

I think it’s better to find a way to say what you don’t agree with, but in a nice way, without being harsh and upsetting other people.


Before we jump to our conclusion, let me ask you something: are you a quiet person? And if yes, then do you find yourself in any of these situations above?

I think that sometimes it’s better to be quiet, so you can think about everything in peace. There’s nothing wrong with living in your own mind, because sometimes it’s a better place. But also, don’t forget to say what you think, because your words matter!

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