10 Tips for Making Dating With Depression Easier

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Choose the right timing

You can’t be in a relationship if you’re not ok with yourself. Firstly, you need to take care of yourself before starting a new relationship. If you’re not loving yourself, how could others love you?
Helen Friedman suggests engaging in positive self-talk. Acknowledge that there will be hard moments, but do not punish yourself for being down. If you’re on medication, make sure to take it religiously and stick to your therapy sessions, because they’re going to be very helpful. Also, you can open up to your family members and close friends.

Very importantly, choose to be around positive people, and avoid the negative ones that will make you feel more miserable than you already are. Don’t force yourself into dating if you feel like you’re not ready. Give yourself time to heal.

You’re not loving yourself and you have low self-esteem? Click here to discover Why Self-love Is so Important and How to Achieve It.


Don’t be afraid to seek professional help

Many people who suffer from depression fear that people would make fun of them if they’d find out. But that’s actually not true. We live in a world where it’s normal to go to therapy or to talk to a specialist about your problems. You should never feel ashamed for seeking help.

Depression can contribute to increased fatigue, irritability, low self-esteem, and reduced libido. You need specialized treatment in order to heal yourself. The most efficient way to treat yourself is by following a specific treatment (medication) and therapy.

As data from Mental Health America has shown, more than 80% of those who seek treatment improve their quality of life and get relief from symptoms. Therefore, don’t waste any more time and seek professional help if you aren’t already.


But also accept assistance

According to Sheela Raja, PhD, a clinical psychologist and assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, opening up to your close friends and family members it’s essential, but letting your partner help you is vital.

They need to be part of your lifestyle, so you should let them know how they can help. For instance, if you have your own routine, where you eat healthy and exercise daily to ease stress, you can ask them to join. If you see that they’re glad to be part of your routine, then maybe they’re in for the long run.

Additionally, you could also let them know exactly how you feel, and share details about your depression journey, who knows, maybe you’ll create an even stronger bond. Their response to your problems will tell you if they’re planning to stay in your life or not.

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