6 Most Common Erotic Dreams and Their Possible Meaning

Photo by Prostock-studio from shutterstock.com

5. Your Partner Is Cheating on You

The most important thing you need to remember in this sort of situation is that it’s just a dream. Make it your mantra and repeat it several times after you wake up in the morning instead of treating your partner like the cheater that he really …isn’t. It’s quite normal to feel upset and worried after having such a dream but, it’s almost never an indication that your significant other is doing the deed with someone else in real life.

Dreaming that your partner is getting pleasure somewhere else might indicate that you feel a little bit neglected by your significant other and that something, not someone, is keeping them from giving you the tender, love and caring that you deserve. Once you identify what that is, be it a new hobby, work or friends, try to find a middle ground, so that everyone is happy and content. You’ll soon notice that the dreams will stop ruining your nights and affect your mornings.

Finally, and the award goes to…..

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