10 Signs You Ought to Say “Yes” to a Second Date

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According to Dr. Steinberg, you shouldn’t let your past relationships affect your new ones. People are different, just because your ex hurt you doesn’t mean someone new will do the same. In fact, Steinberg explained that if you’re going on a date with that mindset, you might as well stay at home, because you’re practically condemning your relationship before it even starts.

We all have emotional baggage from our previous relationships, but you shouldn’t let it affect your future. Learn from your past and accept your mistakes. Therefore if you don’t know whether to go on a second date or not, the answer is in yourself this time, not in others. If you feel like you didn’t give them a fair chance on the first date, schedule a second one and spend some quality time together.

Make sure to also check: Speed Dating Advice: How to Create a Real Connection.

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