The Most Absurd Dating Tips from the 1930s

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11.You shouldn’t make a man wait.

According to the Click Parade article, women shouldn’t make a man wait, and they should greet him with a smile instead. However, being so hasty is not an option either, because men don’t like that. Being a woman in the 1930s seems a lot more complicated to me than it is today…

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12.Women should know how to play a good game of bridge.

As Dix has explained in her book, a pretty face wasn’t enough back then. In order to keep a man interested and prevent him from getting bored, you need to learn a lot of tricks. An ideal woman should know how to dance, she needed to be funny and amusing, and know how to play a good game of bridge.

According to Dix, a pretty face can only get you a senile grandpa, while having multiple skills will pave the road to Mr. Right! Ask him to play a game of bridge and impress him with your skills if you want to get to his heart.

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