The Most Absurd Dating Tips from the 1930s

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1.Ask your mother to send you flowers.

In the Broadway show Wicked, Glinda made a promise to Elphaba that she will make her popular. Who knows, maybe Glinda heard of the 1938 article published in Mademoiselle, in which a senior from Smith College informed freshmen about how important it is to create an image of popularity in order to be asked on dates.

She advised freshmen girls to write letters, invitations, and telegrams and pretend they got them from boys. By doing this, college men will assume they’re attractive since they get all the attention from boys. She even suggested having your mother send you flowers, so the other boys will think you have a lot of admirers. Also, shutting the light in your dorm room at night is vital, so the other boys won’t know that you don’t have a date.

Here are 20 Dating Secrets Women Don’t Like to Acknowledge.

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