The Most Absurd Dating Tips from the 1930s

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5.Never talk while dancing to a man.

The same Click Parade article recommended women to never talk about themselves, clothes, or other similar aspects during a date with a man unless of course, they wanted to be seen as boring. Instead, the article suggested that women should only talk about the things he’s interested in.

Dorothy Dix wrote in her 1939 book ‘How To Win and Hold a Husband’ that women should talk very much during a date, and never ever, should she talk about herself because men do not like women who babble on forever about themselves. Instead, men love to talk about themselves and prefer women that are good listeners.

And very importantly, talking on the dance floor is a big NO-NO. The Click Parade article recommended women keep their lips sealed while dancing with a man because if he asks them to dance, that’s what he wants to do. I think we can all agree these dating tips do not apply today and they’re even considered ridiculous.

Read also: 15 Amazing First Date Ideas for People Over 40.

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