You Won’t Believe These 7 Things Men Do Behind Closed Doors

Photo by Dean Drobot from

4. Karaoke party in the shower 

…Men just wanna have fun!

When their girls aren’t home and they want to have a little fun by themselves, they put on their favorite songs and start performing as if it was for an audience!

Besides that, you know that the acoustic is always better in the bathroom, especially in the shower, so they just move the location of the concert!

5. They talk to their mothers or… yours!

Just like women like to gossip with their best friends, men also need someone to talk to, especially when they’re all alone. If they have some problems in their relationship, they call their mothers for a piece of advice and they tell them EVERYTHING!

…Wait, there’s more! 

If they have a close relationship with their partners’ mothers, they might call them for a quick chat or vent session! They don’t say bad things usually, but they are very funny when they talk to their mammas on the phone!

6. Watch ”special” films

If you’re not around and they have no idea what to do, there is always a good show somewhere that is worth their time! After a few minutes of watching it, they might feel more relaxed and invigorated.

7. They spend a lot of time on the toilet

Even though this might be considered too much information, when men are all alone, they like to take their time doing the things they want. And who says that multitasking is a bad thing?

If they have a video they want to watch, or some emails to send while they have to go to the restroom, you can be sure that they will take their phones with them!

…What can we say, time passes a lot faster when they do so!

…What do you do when nobody’s watching? Tell us in the comments down below!

If you want to read some more before you head out, make sure to check this article out as well: 7 Unusual Signs That Your Partner Is Cheating On You!

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