25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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18.What’s your partner’s favorite song?

The music you listen to and the songs you like says a lot about your personality explained social scientist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic. When you’re in a relationship with someone that shares the same music taste as you, chances are you found your perfect match.

But even when you have different tastes in music, knowing your partner’s favorite song could show them how much you care, especially when you lift their mood by choosing to play that song.

14 Signs of a Strong and Healthy Relationship, According to Psychologists. CLICK HERE to read more about this topic!


19.What are your partner’s lifestyle habits?

As previously mentioned, it would be great for the relationship if you and your partner have things in common. However, some couples are happily married even when they have mismatched habits. For instance, while you might love to spend a lot of time at home, watching Netflix and cooking all day, your partner might want to go out all the time and do a lot of fun activities.

While that doesn’t have to be a problem for the overall relationship, it’s still important to understand your partner’s lifestyle habits and know in which category they fall on. Of course, things will be easier when you share the same habits (eating habits, exercise, lifestyle).

Read also: 30 Funny White Lies Everyone in a Relationship Tells.

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