How Social Media Can Affect Your Relationship, According to Experts

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4.Social media is fake.

Social media is usually the place where you see a lot of happy people in happy relationships because nobody is posting their failures online. You’ll see a lot of women posting how amazing their partners are, even though they almost broke up last night, or a lot of moms saying how awesome it is to have kids and not at all tiring, while they might struggle with severe postnatal depression in real life.

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Also, you see a lot of people showing their perfect bodies, which can make you hate yours or expect your partner to look a certain way. This could be seen as a fake sense of perfection and it could really affect your relationship and your self-esteem. You’ll find yourself scrolling through someone’s photos, wishing you had their life.

This is the effect of constantly having to see someone else’s perfect photos, but it’s important to understand that social media doesn’t always reflect reality. You see what other people want you to see, which is often a happy relationship, successful job, and luxury lifestyle.

Read also: 10 Signs Your Partner Is Lying to You, According to Studies.

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