22 Everyday Habits That Will Help You Look Younger

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17.Take good care of your hair.

As we get older, our hair suffers a lot of changes. As hairstylist Jenna Mast has explained, “It often becomes coarser in texture and more dry.”

Heat styling can damage your hair, so you should try to stay away from it. Additionally, you need to make sure your hair is clean, so wash it whenever it needs. To avoid dryness, it’s important to use deep conditioning treatments as frequently as possible or go to a salon for a complete treatment.


18.Try not to wear too much makeup.

When makeup is done right, it can highlight your features and make you look younger. However, not everyone knows how to achieve that effect, so we better leave it to professionals, because makeup can also make you look older if it’s not properly applied.

According to makeup artist and What Not to Wear star Carmindy, try to avoid heavy makeup as much as possible and use radiant hues that make your skin look fresh and glowy.

“As we age our skin loosens and is not as taught as it once was, so the more makeup you apply, the more it can move, settle, and travel,” she says. “Less makeup will adhere to mature skin much better so you stay looking fresh all day.”

Make sure to also check: 15 Signs You’re Actually Too Polite.

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