4 Signs You Have Anger Issues

Photo by Anna Berdnik from shutterstock.com

1. Verbal Outbursts

This is the most common thing when it comes to anger issues. If you feel like you get pumped up really quickly when there’s something you don’t agree with, you are more likely to outburst verbally. You feel like you can’t control your thoughts and your words and the only way out is to let everything come out.

Anger can build up easily for you and it can be released in forms such as impulsivity, verbal aggression or rage. You may say that you don’t behave like that on purpose, but these verbal outburst episodes you might experience can effect your brain, your focus, your career, relationships and even your sleep schedule.

It is hard, but try and count to five next time when you feel like you can’t control your thoughts and the words that are coming out of your mind. This way, you get a little chance to think for a second, before shouting everything out loud.

2. You Get Fidgety Easily

When someone says or does something you don’t like, you feel like your heart is going to explode. You may find that it is hard to control your emotions and you are more likely to say something you will regret later.

Learn to listen to the other person, ask why that happened, look for reasons and say your opinion in a calm way, without getting all fired up. Think about it like this: it will matter in 5 hours that you expressed your point of view in an angry way? Will you be sorry about that? If you won’t have a good feeling about these things in 5 hours, it means that you need to learn how to control your emotions and the way you express your feelings.

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