In sickness and in health, that’s what marriage is all about. Millions of couples have to deal with a serious illness every year, and it can be life-changing for both partners. Whether we’re talking about Alzheimer’s disease, heart failure, kidney dysfunction, cancer, or another severe medical condition, it’s hard for both partners to deal with a serious disease.
If you’re forced to take the role of a caregiver because your partner was newly diagnosed with a serious illness, you probably have no idea how to handle the situation and how to support them, and how to be strong for them.
Read on to find out how you can show your love if your spouse/ partner is sick, with the help of psychiatrist Susan Lehmann, director of the geriatric psychiatry clinic at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.
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Make sure you’re a good listener.
Your partner will understand if you can’t find the right words, but you need to ensure them that you love and support them. If they want to talk, you need to be there for them and learn how to be a good listener. If they want to spend some quiet time together, you need to be ok with that, too.
Susan Lehmann suggests doing the same routines that have been part of your life together, like watching a movie on a Friday night, eating popcorn, going for a walk together every weekend, drinking the morning coffee together while reading the daily newspaper, and so on. Usually, after a harsh diagnosis, people tend to appreciate these moments together more.
1. Talk to doctors together.
Your partner needs you at all times, so sitting in the waiting room during their medical appointments is not a good idea. According to Lehmann, “It is always helpful to have another set of ears listening to the clinician explain the treatment plan.”
Also, you can prepare your questions together before the appointment, considering that you only have a limited amount of time with the physician. Also, Lehmann suggests asking the most important questions first, to receive the information you needed just in case you run out of time.
“If you are unable to ask all the questions on your mind during an appointment, ask if you can schedule a follow-up phone time or send your additional questions to the clinician or his/her assistant by email,” Lehmann adds.
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2. You need to get informed.
In order to understand your partner’s disease, you need to make sure you have accurate, firsthand information about the condition itself, the treatment, and needs. According to Lehmann,
“While the internet may provide both general and specific information about the condition and treatment, it’s important to remember that the reliability of medical information varies widely across internet sites.”
Additionally, you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet, because some websites might provide inaccurate or misleading information. If you have questions or concerns, it would be best to talk to a specialized doctor or with your health care providers.
3. Let go of nagging.
If your partner is dealing with a serious illness, chances are they’ll have to change their whole diet, physical activity level, rest hours, and medication routine. While it’s definitely not easy having to change your daily habits, you need to be there for them, to support and encourage them in order to stay on track with the diet and new lifestyle altogether.
Also, even though your partner is the one that’s sick, you might feel stressed and frustrated as well, and they might not appreciate your nagging. According to Lehmann, you need to understand which changes are the more important and make sure you remind your partner every day that the doctor recommended a healthy diet, and even though it’s hard, everything is meant to help them cope with their disease.
By constantly reminding them that these changes are what the clinician recommended, they won’t feel like you’re the partner that is trying to exert undue control, and they will understand that these strict ‘rules’ are for their wellbeing.
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4. You need to accept help.
Sometimes people don’t want to accept help because of pride. If you have neighbors, family members that offer to help you with house cleaning, grocery shopping or want to bring a casserole every now and then, let them. You need all the support you can get so you can focus on your sick spouse.
According to Lahmann, having to take care of a sick significant other can make you frustrated, overwhelmed, and exhausted, especially if you don’t have any help from your family or friends. Therefore, if someone offers to help you, don’t let your pride come in the way.
Additionally, if you don’t have any help, make sure to ask your doctor about the home services for which you might be eligible. There are many insurance plans that provide home nursing services, physical/occupational therapy when the holder is sick.
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