Become Successful With These 6 Body Language Gestures

Photo by fizkes from

1. Pay attention to your posture

It might not seem like such a big deal, but posture can really say something about your personality. If you have a hinged posture, if you hold your hand in a position that closes off your chest, you are more likely to be perceived as anxious or scared.

Make a good impression by straightening your spine, relaxing your shoulders, and holding your head high, so that your chin can be parallel to the floor. If you do these simple gestures, you’ll seem more honest and open.

2. Smile 

As you already know, smiling gives off positive vibes and makes people believe that you’re open to talking to them. However, this doesn’t mean that you should smile all the time and to everyone so that you seem nice and genuine.

According to several experts, sincere emotions are bilateral, which means that if you want to smile, make sure to do it with a full face, so that people can perceive it as being honest. A quick grin or smile attempt is not such a good idea.

3. Make eye contact 

When you make eye contact with someone you’re talking to, you seem more confident and friendly. But the thing is that if you look too much in someone’s eyes, that can be seen as intimidating, so language experts say that it’s better to look at the whole face for a second.

You can even divide the parts of their face, such as looking at their eyes for one second, then moving to their nose, or their mouth for the same amount of time. One thing you should keep in mind is that it’s very impolite to check your phone or your watch or look around the room when you have a conversation with someone.

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