10 Subtle Signs That Your Spouse Is Cheating On You

© Envato

1.They come home later

You were used to your spouse arriving home by 6 p.m. to share a much-needed end-of-day martini or help with the dinner, baths, and bedtime, and then, a sudden change in that routine occurs. That change could be a sign of cheating.

“When someone stops coming home at the regular time, on a regular basis, be wary,” says dating and relationship advice and etiquette expert April Masini. “When a schedule changes and there’s no comment about why or what he or she is doing differently, it may be because your spouse is cheating on you.”

Usually, a cheater will offer an excuse for their change in routine, like going to the gym late because it’s less crowded and because you’re less likely to question the “post-workout shower”, says Masini.

Next, let’s hear it for the boys?…..

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