10 Subtle Signs That Your Spouse Is Cheating On You

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7.Your husband is suddenly Mr. Gift Giver

He suddenly spoils you with a spa gift card or a new purse, out of nowhere and completely unrelated to a birthday, anniversary, or work promotion could be indeed a lovely surprise, or it could be a clue that your partner is feeling guilty about something and trying to compensate.

“Have a direct conversation,” advises Puhn. You could say something like: “It’s only been in the last few months that you are bringing me surprise presents. While this is thoughtful, I am wondering if something led you to start doing this?” Pay close attention to what he says and watch how he acts.

“Also, look for other clues, like if he cancels plans and those long-stem roses are some sort of consolation prize.” It could signal you’ve got a cheating spouse on your hands.

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