What You Should Never Say to Someone Going Through A Divorce

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1.“How can you get a divorce knowing how much it will affect your kids?”

Divorce can be even more complicated when there are children involved. So before saying something that will make you appear very judgy towards your friend’s decision to divorce, you need to understand that most parents think of their kids before making such an important decision.

Here are 12 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering a Divorce. More info HERE!

Therefore, if they decided to file for a divorce it probably means the marriage couldn’t be saved anymore. Even though divorce can be messy and painful, sometimes it’s the best thing you can do for your kids’ wellbeing, explains Darci Walker, PsyD, of Core Parenting in Portland, Oregon.

According to Walker, it’s not the divorce itself that affects children the most, but rather the conflict between their parents. For a child, seeing their parents fight all the time is way more painful than knowing they’re not together anymore. That’s why divorce might actually be a good idea in order for the parents to find a way to get along in a healthy manner.

While getting divorced might actually be a healthy decision for yourself and your kids, it’s still not easy, and often comes with guilt. Even when you know getting a divorce is the right choice for your family, it’s still normal to feel a little bit of guilt. That’s why it can be even more hurtful when your friends accuse you of not considering your kids when you know they are all you think about.

RELATED POST: Top 4 Worst Things You Could Possibly Say to Someone Who Just Got Divorced.

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