What You Should Never Say to Someone Going Through A Divorce

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2.“Have you tried counseling?”

This is another question that should be avoided at all costs when you’re trying to support a friend going through a divorce. This question might also make you appear judgy. It’s like your saying the other person has rushed into getting a divorce without trying hard enough to save their marriage.

But the thing is, no matter how good of a friend you are with someone, you can never know what does on behind closed doors. Maybe they even tried counseling several times but it didn’t work for them, and they didn’t want to share it because they feel ashamed. Or, maybe their partner wasn’t interested in counseling and wanted to get a divorce right away, leaving the other person feeling powerless.

No matter the cause, this question can cause a lot of pain. After all, there’s never a right way or a right moment to get a divorce. It can take you by surprise when you least expected it, or maybe you wanted it after years of not getting along with your spouse. Either way, you shouldn’t feel like you need to explain yourself to others.

If you want to support a friend going through a divorce, try to be understanding and assume they’ve tried everything to make things work. Just be there for them and offer a shoulder to cry on, that’s all they need right now.

Read also: Top 13 Most Shocking Facts About Divorce in the U.S.

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