What You Should Never Say to Someone Going Through A Divorce

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4.“I knew from the start they were no good for you.”

While you might have the purest intentions at heart when saying this, it will make you seem like you’re judging your friend’s choices. You might feel like you’re being supportive, but your friend will certainly feel like you’re accusing them of being a bad judge of character.

As Mellissa, Melissa, a woman who divorced a few years ago has explained, “While I might have felt that way at times, it didn’t actually help to think that I might have been wrong to choose him or that my kids’ dad was a bad person (he’s not).”

As Dr. Walker has explained, venting might be a good idea from time to time, but try not to focus too much on the negative aspects. Also, a good friend should try to see both sides of the bigger picture and tell the other person when they’re wrong. If your friend who just got divorced is blaming their ex for everything that went wrong in their marriage and professing hatred towards them, it doesn’t mean you should join them and speak badly about their ex, as well.

Instead, a good friend should allow the other person to vent, cry and even scream if they feel like it, without making similar comments. You can be there for a friend even when you don’t always agree with them.

20+ Post-Divorce Mistakes You Should Avoid No Matter What. CLICK HERE for more info!

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