11 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Love You As Much As You Love Them

© Envato.com

5. Your partner likes to keep score during arguments.

The secret to a long-lasting relationship is to know when to let things slide. It’s not always easy, especially when you have a different opinion about something, but it’s very important in order to avoid big arguments from happening.

After all, you’re partners, playing in the same team, it shouldn’t be about keeping score and winning the argument. But if you’re in a relationship with someone that always keeps score during arguments, it might be a red flag that your feelings aren’t reciprocated.

According to Derichs, if your partner likes to remind you that you’re flawed and make mistakes, it’s their way of trying to control and manipulate you. Someone who loves you unconditionally will never do this to you. Ony toxic people focus on your weakness.

Once again, you can resolve this problem by simply talking to your partner and tell them how they make you feel. If nothing changes after the talk, it’s definitely a sign that they’re not invested in the relationship.

Next, needs must?…..

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