8 Signs Your Spouse Doesn’t Find You Attractive Anymore

Photo by HBRH from shutterstock.com

7. They compare you with other people

They say that comparison is nothing other than ”a thief of joy”. The only person you should compare yourself to should be yourself. How you were some time ago vs how are you know. As painful as it gets, there are cases where partners don’t find their spouses attractive anymore, but they still don’t want to let go. They want to find a way to make it work, but not in a mutual way.

For example, if you see that your spouse tells you that you should dye your hair to look more like someone, or you should lose some weight, you should do that because someone’s partner does it and so on, you should know that something is off.

When you are in love with someone, you only see the good things and the beauty that your partner has. If you feel like you are being compared with other people, it’s a clear sign that your partner doesn’t find you attractive anymore!

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3 thoughts on “8 Signs Your Spouse Doesn’t Find You Attractive Anymore”

  1. Yes, she spent several months mad at everything and said she didn’t like me anymore. I let time pass and now she is acting differently. Maybe not great at communication, but more loving and some communicating.

    1. Hi Merle, does this come from one of three things, lack of true communication when you say hurtful things .Does it have to do with lack of sleep and nutritional deficiency. Or lack of emotional connection?

  2. Since my first husband had many extramarital encounters ( he was in a rock band), and after my second husband of 21 yeats died, I’ve dated and i always see everything you describe. It’s related to the fear from the first one, but I always see it, and am ready to bail. My self-doubt and fear is what makes them pull away. I think you have all of them right, though.

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