16 Ways to Get Over a Breakup and Really Move On

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14.Do not blame your partner/yourself for everything that went wrong.

Most people tend to blame everything that went wrong in the relationship on their partner, while there are some that blame themselves even though it wasn’t their fault. ‘He wasn’t ready for a serious relationship’ or ‘She didn’t deserve me’ statements won’t help you move on.

The same goes for ‘I’m not good enough for him’ or ‘I do not have enough money to support her’. In order to heal, you need to acknowledge the fact that a relationship is not just about you individually, it about ‘us’.

Instead of using I statements, try saying ‘We weren’t right for each other.’ This will help you take the blame off your shoulders and blaming your partner for everything that went wrong, by acknowledging that both of your actions contributed to the split.

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