Every relationship has its ups and downs — even the ones that may seem perfect. We’ve all been through difficult times with those we love, but occasional disagreements are usually nothing to worry about and completely normal in healthy relationships. However, at some point, you may get a feeling of doubt that’s hard to overlook.
Whether it’s a difficult event that has wrecked your trust or just a feeling that you’ve lost your connection, we’ve all been there. But how exactly do you know if the relationship is falling apart? If you’re currently dealing with this kind of question, you may want to look closely at your connection with your partner.
What are the best moments of your relationship? What about the bad ones? Making a list can help you decide whether your challenges are worth dealing with or it’s time for you to call it quits.
When you’ve been investing emotionally for a while now, it’s easier to ignore disagreements (even if they tend to happen more frequently than they used to). Truth be told, it’s never easy to end a relationship with someone you love. But knowing when it’s time to break up with your partner and bracing yourself to cope afterward are two things that can help you end an old chapter and start a new one (with you being happier).
If you’re not sure about what to do next, look out for these 5 signs that your relationship is falling apart.
1. Disagreements Escalate Into Arguments
Disagreeing is a normal thing, and positive discussions and debates are an indication that you’re in a healthy relationship that gives you the chance to bond with and learn from your other half. However, when things get out of hand (yes, we’re talking about screaming, flat-out yelling, and tantrum like explosions), it’s a clear sign that you have to reevaluate what’s happening.
When a minor disagreement turns into something more serious where one of you strives to force the other to do or see things another way, it’s a definite sign that you’re growing apart. That’s why, in most cases, one-sided relationships are a clear indication of a failing or falling apart relationship.
2. There’s No Emotional Connection
When the spark has gone, it can be difficult to tell if a relationship is worth saving. One of the major signs your emotional connection has faded is that you are no longer open and vulnerable with your partner. A keystone of healthy relationships is that both you and your partner feel comfortable being your true self around the other one and sharing real thoughts with one another.
When you find yourself behaving in ways that aren’t typical, you may need to ask yourself where your attitude is coming from. Is it something in your partner’s attitude that makes you hide your emotions? Or is it just you that no longer wants to be open and vulnerable?
A lack of real communication in a relationship is always a sign that something’s wrong. In most cases, this means that there’s no more deep connection. Similarly, if you’ve noticed that the usual inside jokes are gone — or it’s difficult to get into engaging conversations — your relationship could be getting weaker.
3. Lack of Intimacy
Now here’s an elephant in the room. Sexual desire can fluctuate over the course of a relationship. That’s a fact. If you’re in a lull and don’t know how to press the reset button on your sex life, that’s not always a sign that the relationship is falling apart. Relationship consultants recommend imagining the first time you got intimate with your partner and being aware of how exactly the memory makes you feel.
This practice is pretty straightforward: if that moment brings out something good in you — and you like the feeling — then chances are that your relationship hasn’t lost its sexual spark.
Now, if you feel that you’ve lost interest in your partner, that may be a clear sign that something has gone wrong. How does it feel when your partner is touching you intimately? Do you like it, or does it make you uncomfortable? If you feel like you’re never in the mood, it could indicate that you need to rekindle your relationship or that a breakup may be on the horizon.
4. Your Goals Don’t Align
When things don’t go well, one of the hardest things to accept in a relationship is that you and your partner want different things. You may deeply care for each other, but unfortunately, this isn’t enough to make it work. If you feel like you’re not on the same page and your goals don’t align at all, this may be a sign that your relationship won’t last.
Where you’d like to live, professional dreams or desires for children are some of the many aspirations that couples struggle with. Regardless of the goals that are causing a disconnect, it’s never an easy situation to deal with. If you’re still in love and both of you truly want your bond to last, you may want to seek counseling to help you communicate and understand each other.
But remember that this only works if both you and your partner are willing to make things work. In contrast, if you have different visions for the future and improving your relationship seems impossible, this may be a sign that your relationship is falling apart.
5. Someone Else Seems More Appealing
Fantasizing about other people isn’t a tragedy. But if you’re developing a strong desire that overshadows the importance of sex with your partner, this may be a sign that your relationship isn’t what it used to be.
Whether you’re crushing on someone from work or constantly thinking about your ex, it’s time to reconsider your feelings toward your partner. The same goes for when your fantasies about others create a dream world in which your partner’s role is diminishing.
It’s important to be aware of these changes and understand why they happen. Once you do that, you should either stop fantasizing about someone else or start a conversation with your partner.
Do you feel like your partner may have a crush on someone else? Here are 5 Subtle Signs that may help you decide whether it’s actually happening or not.