7 Things Intimacy Does To Your Body

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1. It Can Lower Blood Pressure 

Several studies have discovered that there is a strong connection between lower blood pressure and bedroom time. For instance, Joseph J. Pinzone, MD, the medical director of Amai Wellness, talked about a study in which one particular research found that intimacy with a partner lowered systolic blood pressure.

2. It Can Lower Heart Attack Risk

We all know that being intimate can sometimes turn into an actual workout, so your heart rate will definitely go up. In addition to that, having an active bedroom life is linked to keeping the hormonal levels in check.

According to several studies, men who were intimate with their partners at least twice a week were half as likely to get heart disease compared to those who weren’t that active.

3. Increase Sleep Quality

There are times when a good bedroom time session can get you to sleep like a baby for the whole night. In conformity with Sheenie Ambardar, MD, a psychiatrist in West Hollywood, California, there are a few hormones released in your body after the “special ending”.

Moreover, these chemicals are responsible for feelings of sleepiness and relaxation. As a result, you’ll have a wonderful night’s sleep.

4. Reduces Stress

Being next to your partner can make you feel calm, relaxed, and stress-free. Sheenie Ambardar says that touching and hugging your significant other can make your body release its natural “feel-good” hormones.

As you can imagine, being even closer to your partner and getting physical will make your brain release a chemical that will put you in a very pleasant headspace.

In addition to that, having an active love life can improve confidence, happiness, and self-esteem. If you want to be both healthy and happy, take your partner and do the things you enjoy!

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