8 Relationship Myths People Used To Believe

Photo by fizkes from shutterstock.com

1. Easy-going

Let’s thank Hollywood movies and romance books for this common misconception! Some people tend to believe that relationships are easy. That partners understand each other every time, or that if they fight they will make up in a few minutes.

They believe that loving someone should feel like an easy thing to do, effortlessly, but let’s be honest, it’s nothing further from the truth!

In reality, relationships are nothing like the ones in fairytales. You don’t see someone for a second and boom, you’re getting married the next month! Although it might feel like a fairy tale at the beginning of a relationship, it needs time, affection, and effort from both of the partners!

Fights, miscommunication, disagreements, and issues are not easy, but they are normal in a relationship, and they have to be overcome, in order to feel happy and loved.

2. Jealousy equals love

Uhm…NO! We don’t need another lie from the pop culture era in our lives! Are you curious if your partner is in love with you? Make them jealous! If they get upset and possessive when they see you chit-chatting with someone else, it has to mean that they love you.


Jealousy is not a sign of love, deep care, and a healthy relationship, but is actually a sign of toxicity! There is nothing wrong, with a teeny-tiny bit of jealousy, but when it turns into possessiveness, that’s what drives many couples apart.

3. Fights are not allowed!

Fights are not a good part of relationships, but people have to understand that they are normal! We’re not saying that you should go home and yell at your partner out of the blue, but if it happens, it doesn’t mean that you will break up.

Some people tend to believe that couples who are great don’t have arguments! The truth is that there are people who don’t fight, but some of them might keep themselves quiet because they are trying to avoid conflict.

As long as you solve all of your problems and you are not aggressive (verbally and physically), fights have the ability to make a relationship stronger. What matters is the partners’ attitude regarding the conflict, and how they decide to solve it.

4. Let’s get married and have a baby!

This might be something that people have learned from their grandmothers or great-great-grandmothers, but it’s not alright! If a couple already has problems in their relationship, getting married, or deciding to conceive without having their issues solved won’t do anything well.

It will add even more pressure on them, making the partners sick of each other. Marriage and conceiving are important decisions that should be taken in a place where love is the most important, it’s not a remedy for fights and problems regarding relationships!

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