4 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back (But Won’t Admit It)

Photo by Pressmaster from shutterstock.com

1. They are looking for you

They are looking for every way to get to talk to you, see you, ask you what you have been doing. They are trying to stay in contact with you. Personally, I think that you can have a friendship with the person you were in a relationship with, but only after a while, when the feelings are gone.

Still, it won’t be a normal friendship, you won’t talk everyday. It will be just something casual, a quick chit-chat and that’s it. If they are always trying to keep the conversation going or if they message or call you for random things, that’s a clear sign they are not over you.

2. Jealousy

If you talk about other people or if they see you with other people and you observe a sudden change in their attitude, it’s a clear sign of jealousy. Even if they initiated the breakup, they might feel sorry about it and seeing you trying to move on and start dating again might trigger some feeling for them.

If they don’t want you back, why would they be jealous in the first place, am I right? If you are completely sure that you don’t want something, you won’t get upset or angry when somebody else has it.

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