Personality Traits Most Cheaters Have In Common


5.They rationalize their behavior

If you’re familiar with the phrase, “it’s not you, it’s me”, you can be sure you’ve been played by someone who has been dating other people while dating you. Cheaters usually say things like this to justify their polyamorous behavior and subconsciously trick you into thinking it’s really your fault for them not being faithful to you. It’s their way of getting inside your head and making you doubt yourself for their cheating ways.

In another situation, cheaters often blame their partners when trying to convince them that their actions are justified. They’ll say things such as “Our relationship is un-fulfilling sexually and emotionally, so I have to get it elsewhere,'” says Wish, or “My partner and I do not have the same sexual preferences”. It is never their fault; they are simply victims in all of this.

Next, discover why they change the subject…..

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