Dating Mistakes You Should Avoid Making In Your 40s


11.You’re taking things too seriously.

Dating can be stressful, but you need to make sure you’re having fun while doing it. No matter what age you are, the purpose of a date is to find someone you actually enjoy spending time with.

It’s normal to feel a little vulnerable when putting yourself out there, even when you are aware of your own qualities and you know what you bring to the table. Don’t be too harsh on yourself and don’t take things too seriously. If you’re the type that frustrates over a single word the other person said to you doing your date, you’ll have to deal with a lot of negative emotions.

Do not judge yourself or your date, and try to enjoy the moment without overthinking it. After all, this is not the moment to decide if things are going to work between you two or not. You’ll have a lot of time for that later on.

READ ALSO: 10 Signs That Indicate You Have Intimacy Issues.

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