Dating Mistakes You Should Avoid Making In Your 40s

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13.You’re not accepting the other person’s schedule.

As previously mentioned, dating in your 40s usually comes with a whole new set of challenges, including managing each other schedules. As your life might be very busy with work and children, you probably do not have the luxury of spending a lot of hours on a date night on Wednesday.

You might feel a little frustrated when your partner is calling to reschedule date night, but you also need to understand that each age comes with its own challenges and responsibilities, and children are usually every parent’s priority.

So instead of feeling angry when this happens, try to understand that your partner might have their own personal responsibilities that need to be handled. At the same time, the other person will also have to be supportive when you’ll be in the same situation.

Here are 19 Expert-Recommended Ways to Be a More Thoughtful and Proactive Partner. CLICK HERE to find out more about this topic!

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