Dating Mistakes You Should Avoid Making In Your 40s


4.You tend to rush into introducing your new partner to them.

It’s true that things can become even more complicated when there are kids involved. If you’re a parent, your dating life will look different, as your kids might be your top priority, and everything comes after.

Most of the time, children have a hard time adjusting to their parents’ divorce, so seeing you with someone new that isn’t their other parent might make them very sad, which I guess you wouldn’t want. Your children’s emotional needs should be your main priority, rather than your new partner, but you can still do both.

According to Walfish, children might need more time to accept the fact that their parents are no longer together, so they might go through different emotions in this period, including confusion, anger, frustration, sadness, and finally, acceptance. Walfish also added that it usually takes up to two years for them to be ok with the idea that you’re no longer together.

“Introducing a new love interest too soon may delay or damage this process. You owe it to your kids to take it slow when dating,” he added. That why it’s important to introduce your new partner to your kids only when you know it’s going to be serious.

For instance, if you’re dating someone for a few months and you feel certain that they’re going to be in your life for a long time, the best approach would be talking to your children about it. Tell them what you like about your new partner, how happy they make you feel, and encourage them to share both their positive and negative feelings about the situation.

Listen to what your kids have to say about the idea of you dating someone new, and even though they might be ok with it at first, don’t rush into introducing your partner to them right away. Keep talking to them about the situation until you feel like they’re ready to meet your new partner.

If things are not serious between and your partner just yet, it would be better to enjoy dating them while your kids are spending time with their other parent or grandparents. As Dr. Walfish has explained, introducing your new partner very early to your children might make them even more confused if things don’t work out.

READ ALSO: The Most Common Signs That Indicate You’re In A Rebound Relationship.

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