Dating Mistakes You Should Avoid Making In Your 40s


6.You’re rushing to get back into the dating scene.

Going through a divorce or getting out of a serious relationship might be a very discouraging experience. You probably can’t even go a day without having a mental breakdown or crying in the bathroom, which makes you not ready to start dating new people.

If your divorce left you in pretty bad shape, you need to be ok with the fact that you might not be ready to start dating just yet, even though you want to. This would be the best time to focus on yourself, your children, your job, and your friends. Self-care is very important and it will help you overcome those bad moments.

According to Sibel Golden, a psychotherapist and Expressive Arts Therapist in Seattle and founder of Real Food + Real Beauty, especially after going through a bad divorce, you need to make sure you’re taking good care of yourself, in order to regain your sense of worth and value that might have been affected by the separation.

“This is a time for healing. Think of it as nurturing yourself with a balance of activities that you enjoy, as well as solitude and introspection,” she added.

Here are 9 Most Popular Dating Sites for Seniors Looking for Love. CLICK HERE to find out more about this topic!

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