Dating Mistakes You Should Avoid Making In Your 40s

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8.You don’t trust your instincts.

According to Clinical psychologist Ramani Durvasula, MD, when it comes to dating, it’s very important to always trust your instincts. In fact, a lot of dating mistakes begin by not trusting your instincts early on, Durvasula added.

Especially after reaching a certain age, you probably have a lot of experience from your previous relationships, so it’s even more important to trust your instincts. At the same time, when you learn to trust your gut, you’ll make a lot of decisions based on shared feelings, mutual values, and you’ll also start to look outside your type. Types will only limit your chances of finding someone special, Durvasula added.

Make sure to also check: Relationship Problems That Could Become Worse Over Time, According to Experts.

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