10 Tips to Make Dating With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Easier

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When is the perfect time to tell them about your health condition?

Most IBD patients fear sharing with their partner that they suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, thinking that they’re going to reject them. However, there would never be perfect timing and there’s definitely no rule about the best time to share that information. You just need to feel ready.

According to Frank Sileo, a psychologist in Ridgewood, N.J., who has Crohn’s disease, talking about your condition is very, very hard just because IBD is different from other conditions. “It’s not like saying, ‘I’m asthmatic and need an inhaler.’ It’s not dinner conversation.”

While there are people that like to tell as early as possible because they don’t want to waste any more time, there are also the ones that prefer to wait a little bit longer, until they get to know that person and feel more comfortable. Either way, it’s your choice and you should do it on your own terms.

Sileo suggests keeping the graphic details to yourself, at least at the beginning. Also, if you treat the situation with humor, you’ll definitely have a more positive response. Just tell them you suffer from a gastrointestinal disease that makes your stomach hurt.

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Always be prepared for the worst

According to Sileo, you should be prepared at all times in order to avoid unpleasant moments. He suggests bringing your “Crohn’s kit” with you wherever you go. This kit should include toilet paper, seat covers, wipes, and a change of clothes just in case you’ll need it.

Also, make sure the place you’re going to has a bathroom that you can use. Or you can use an app that will help you find toilets in your area. The app is called Sit or Squat and it is very helpful for IBD patients.

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