10 Tips to Make Dating With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Easier

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Understand your body

It is also very, very important to know and understand your body’s needs. Firstly, you need to learn what foods are good for you, and what foods you should stay away from. Bryan says she usually avoid eating before a date, just because she doesn’t want to have to deal with an unpleasant problem.

Also, if she’s dating someone new, and she really likes them, she doesn’t stay overnight, because she doesn’t want to feel uncomfortable or weird. She explained that mornings are the hardest part of the day for her, so she prefers staying away from embarrassing situations.

You need to set your own limits and ask yourself if you’re willing to make compromises or not. Also, learn what’s acceptable for you and what’s not.


Inform your partner

If you’re dating and things seem to be going well, you need to make sure your partner is educated and informed about what your condition really means. You might find it very strange, but most Americans have no idea what IBD is.

Firstly, you should start by telling them that it’s not deadly or contagious. Secondly, you need to make sure that they understand the facts. IBD is limiting you in certain ways and they need to know that. Most people know about stomach distress, and they’ll certainly be comfortable with that.

Sileo suggests just sharing with them how you manage it and how you live your life. Their response will tell you if they’re trustworthy or not, and if it’s worth investing time in that relationship.

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