How You Should Talk To Someone About Their Toxic Relationship, According to Experts


1. First things first…What is a toxic relationship?

There’s definitely not one single explanation that applies to everyone, because ‘toxic’ can mean different things to different people, but in general, you know a relationship is toxic when it feels unhealthy when you’re more sad than happy, and it does you more harm than good.

According to Dr. Carla Manly, in order to spot a toxic relationship, it’s important to be around the couple and see both your friend’s and their partner’s behavior. As Dr. Manly likes to say, “A few signs of hidden toxicity include a fear of talking about the relationship, fabrications involving the relationship, or excuse-making for the partner.”

Here are 5 Most Common Manipulation Tactics Used by Highly Toxic People. CLICK HERE for more info!

“If the partner is verbally rude, dismissive, sarcastic, or critical, you can be relatively sure that the relationship is toxic. On the physical end, it’s important to look out for signs of being physically rough, overly possessive, or—at the other extreme—completely disinterested,” Dr. Manly added.

Additionally, it’s easier to spot toxic behavior when you learn to detach and observe. So you should put aside what you don’t like about a certain individual and try to focus on what you don’t like about their behavior and observe the way they treat your friend. Even if you’ve seen already signs of a toxic partner in your friend’s relationship, before bringing up the topic make sure to pay close attention to the situation.

Make sure to also check the 10 Signs You’re Dating A Narcissist.

Before expressing your concerns, Jess O’Reilly, Ph.D., host of the Sex With Dr. Jess Podcast, suggests asking yourself these questions first:

  • Is the relationship affecting their mental state? But what about their physical health?
  • Is the relationship impacting their quality of life, including friendships, family life, work, and other interests?
  • Did their behavior change since they started dating this person?
  • Is your friend’s self-esteem affected by the relationship? How do they feel about themselves?

These questions will help you determine how toxic is the relationship, and if you find that the answers are worrying, it would probably be wise to voice your concerns and have an open conversation with them.

Also read: What Is Breadcrumbing and How to Recognize This Manipulative Behavior.

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