How You Should Talk To Someone About Their Toxic Relationship, According to Experts


2. But how it’s appropriate to talk to a friend that’s going through a toxic relationship?

Firstly and very importantly, make sure you do not approach them with judgment. According to Dr. Jess, you should start the conversation with general questions such as: ‘How are things going between you two?’ or ‘Are you happy in the relationship?”.

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This way, your friend might feel like they can open up to you and they will start talking about the problem without you having to ask them directly, says Dr. Manly. Also, you should pay close attention to the language you use when talking to them, as it’s very important in making them feel comfortable enough in order to open up to you about the issue.

Reassure them that they can count on you by saying things like ‘I am here for you’ or ‘you deserve to feel happy, loved, and appreciated in your relationship’ or even normalize the situation by telling them that relationships can get complicated sometimes. No matter what you say to them, it needs to come from a place of love, and empathy, and you need to make sure they feel it too.

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Dr. Jess recommends you to “Focus on sharing experiences as opposed to solutions.” Also, make sure you’re not acting as an expert who has it all working perfectly, talk about your own vulnerabilities, your failures, and your fears, talk to them about your own screw-ups and how you got over them. When people are going through a toxic relationship, is very important for them to feel like they’re not alone.

Try to stay away from harsh comments like ‘I never liked them’ or ‘I knew it was something wrong with them from the start’. Your friend doesn’t need someone to judge them and their choices, and you can only make them shut down or feel even worse than they did before talking to you.

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However, when your friend is married to a toxic person or has kids with them, it can be a little tricky and it’s normal to ask yourself whether it would be appropriate to express your concerns or not. However, no matter the circumstances, if you see that a friend of yours is going through something and need support, you need to be there for them, agree Dr. Manly and Dr. Jess.

“Sometimes it’s a courageous statement made by a friend or loved one that opens the door to leaving the toxic relationship,” Dr. Manly continued saying.

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