How You Should Talk To Someone About Their Toxic Relationship, According to Experts

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3. How you should deal with a friend that becomes defensive?

As previously mentioned, opening up about relationship issues is not easy and it takes a lot of strength and courage, so it is natural that some people become defensive. The whole point of using your words right, staying away from judgment, and being supportive is to make them feel comfortable opening up to you.

Make sure to also check the 10 Signs You’re In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship and It’s Time to Get Out.

But sometimes, people get defensive out of shame, or even fear, Dr. Manly explains. So if you see that your friend became defensive the minute you brought the subject, reassure them that they can’t talk to you and anything they share is confidential. Make them feel like they can trust you and all you want to do is help, without any kind of judging. If your friend is still defensive after saying all those things, you shouldn’t pressure them into having a discussion they don’t feel ready to have. It’s ok to back down and give them space.

See also: How You Can Tell If Your Partner Is Going to Break Your Heart.

You can say something like ‘If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here’ and give them the space to figure things out on their own. You need to focus on being a good friend, even if they don’t want to talk about their relationship issues. Reassure them how much they mean to you and how you’ll always be their friend.

If you’re still worried, bring the subject up some other time, who knows, maybe they’ll feel ready to discuss it then!

Can Your Partner Become Abusive? These 15 Signs Will Let You Know. CLICK HERE to discover more!

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