10 Things That Are Destroying Your Sex Drive

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Maybe you haven’t been in the mood to get intimate with your partner for a while now, but you choose to blame it on the stress, lack of sleep of busy schedules. However, it might be more than that.

There are various reasons that could have caused your issue, from foods to lifestyle, stress, and others. But you’re not alone in this. In fact, a study has shown that more than 53 percent of women in the United States are simply not interested in being intimate with their partners.

But you can get back on track, by understanding which are the things that are destroying your desire for intimacy. So read on to discover the most common reasons!

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1. Depression.

Probably one of the main reasons for your absence of desire is depression. And it’s totally understandable, when you’re feeling low, tired all the time and lost, the last thing on your mind is being intimate with your partner, because the truth is, you’re probably not feeling very attractive.

If you’re dealing with depression, seeking professional help is very important. Additionally, taking anti-depressants will also contribute to the lack of your drive to be intimate with your beloved partner.

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2. Medication.

Certain medications can affect your mood and have a chilling effect on your libido. Therefore, taking anti-depressants, oral contraception, Beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors could contribute to a low libido, according to Dr. George.

If you feel like the medication is affecting your romantic life, it’s important that you talk with your doctor about the effects and see what you can do about it.

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3. You’re always way too tired.

Even though this is basically a very old cliche, as it has been used as an excuse for many years now by men and women all over the world, apparently, there’s more to it than we would imagine.

According to a recent study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, one in four married couples in the United States admit to being too tired to get intimate with their partners at the end of the day.

Additionally, another study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine discovered that lack of sleep can affect one’s desire, so it’s definitely more than a much-used excuse. So if you want to have an active life between the sheets, it’s important that you prioritize your sleep schedules first.

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4. You’re not active.

Even though being active might not be your top priority right now, it’s very important for your health and bedroom life as well. In fact, getting the blood pumping in your workout will also help you do the same in the bedroom.

According to Dr. William Kolbe, if you’re not active enough or lack exercise, your hormones will have to suffer.

“Being physically inactive, putting on extra weight, mental stress can all cause changes in our hormone production, especially the hormones testosterone and estrogen,” he said.

“Testosterone has many functions, among them is maintaining a healthy love life. When our hormone production is diminished or out of balance, then generally it becomes more difficult to find the initiative for getting intimate.”

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5. You’re dehydrated.

You’ve probably heard a lot about the importance of drinking enough water during the day, but most people don’t know that not doing so could contribute to destroying your mood.

Moreover, being dehydrated could also contribute to headaches, and no one wants to get intimate with their partners when their head feels like it’s exploding. Also, not drinking enough water could cause dryness in your intimate parts, which can make lovemaking uncomfortable.

To boost your desire, try drinking an extra glass of water every day, and be surprised that it actually works.

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6. You’re too stressed out.

Stress could easily have a devastating impact on your level of desire and have a seriously negative effect on your intimate life due to your cortisol levels that can be very high when you’re stressed. So if you’re having a very busy work schedule, a lot of new tasks, or there are other problems, such as you’re beefing with a good friend, don’t be surprised if it affects your bedroom life as well.

After all, cortisol is known for destroying your mood, which often suppresses testosterone and the production of other hormones, so the thought of getting intimate with your significant other won’t seem so appealing to you anymore.

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7. You don’t have a healthy diet.

I get it, we all love pizza and would eat it every day, but that’s definitely not good for your overall health. Having a balanced diet is very important, especially as you get older, but it’s also linked to improving your love life.

As you might know already, fried and salty foods can contribute to making you bloated, so it’s natural that you’re not exactly in the mood to get intimate with your partner after you eat a big portion of french fries.

In fact, many studies have shown that a healthy diet can increase your desire to get intimate, and there are certain foods that act as boosters. Curious what I’m talking about? Put down your burger and pick up watermelon instead, and you’ll understand exactly what I’m talking about.

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8. You’re eating too much sugar.

We all love a good dessert, but it would probably be wise to not have it every day, as many studies have shown that sugar can make your testosterone levels decrease by 25 percent in some cases.

As Dr. Breman has explained, sugar, carbs, and dairy can negatively affect certain hormones, contributing to low levels of desire. Additionally, “if you eat poorly, you will suffer from a negative self-image and lack of energy, both inside and outside the bedroom.”

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9. Your BMI is way too high.

According to doctors Amin Herati and Dolores J. Lamb, Ph.D., of the Baylor College of Medicine Center for Reproductive Medicine and Department of Urology, “Research has shown that obese men struggle with impotence and losing just a small percent of weight can help improve a man’s sexual function.”

And the same thing happens to women. Being a lot heavier than you’re comfortable with can lower your energy and prevent you from feeling sexy in the bedroom, which will contribute to losing the desire to get intimate with someone.

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10. You’re simply not feeling yourself.

The way you see yourself is very important because if you’re not feeling good about yourself, chances are you won’t feel the desire to get intimate with your partner either. According to Kolbe, low self-esteem, low self-worth, or lacking self-love can contribute to this issue.

“The mind is our foremost erogenous zone and if it is mired in negative or limiting self-appraisals, feelings of not being worthy, then consequently people will regrettably choose to forgo activities such as getting intimate, that are stimulating and satisfying.”

Therefore, if you’re not feeling yourself for a while now, or you think negatively about your body, it’s important that you talk to your partner about how you’re feeling. It’s important that you find a way to feel sexy again.

Make sure to also check: Why Self-love Is so Important and How to Achieve It.

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