22 Everyday Habits That Will Help You Look Younger

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10.Try to exercise at least four times a week.

Regular exercise has been shown to slow the aging process and help you avoid muscle loss, which usually tends to happen with age. But for that, it’s important to do it as often as you can, at least 30 minutes per day, four times per week.

Experts recommend mixing cardiovascular exercises for the heart and lungs, such as running, jumping rope, or walking on an inclined treadmill, with resistance exercises for muscles (you can use weights for extra calories burnt) and stretching for flexibility.

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11.Let go of stress and conflict.

Stress has been linked to faster aging, so you should try to let go of it if possible. Luckily, you can also reverse aging when you’re taking proper care of your body and soul. According to psychiatrist Judith Orloff, MD, the author of Positive Energy, by reducing stress, you’re also turning off stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, while activating endorphins.

Endorphins are known to be natural pain killers, ad they’ll also contribute to looking younger and fresher.

Read also: Why Self-love Is so Important and How to Achieve It.

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