22 Everyday Habits That Will Help You Look Younger

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13.But don’t forget about your hands.

Now that we’ve established how important it is to take care of your skin, let’s not forget about your hands. A recent study has shown that most people could guess other women’s age simply by looking at their hands.

So if you want to postpone getting wrinkly hands for as long as possible, include a hand cream into your daily routine, and make sure to choose one with SPF for the daytime. You can also make your hands look fresher and more luminous by exfoliating frequently.

And for that, you don’t need to buy a new product, and you can try making your own scrub at home using items that you probably have in your pantry. Try mixing sugar and honey for a more hydrating scrub, or sea salt and lemon juice for a more luminous one, and then scrub your hands using a soft toothbrush to remove dead skin.

Here are 15 Useful Tips to Get Back Into Dating As a Senior. CLICK HERE to find out more!

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