22 Everyday Habits That Will Help You Look Younger

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16.Take care of your teeth.

As we all know, our teeth tend to suffer a lot with age, that’s while regular dental checkups are very important. As dentist Nancy Rosen, DMD has explained, it’s recommended to get cleanings at least twice a year, to make sure your gums and teeth are looking good.

By removing plaque and calculus from your teeth, your mouth will appear younger and your smile brighter. Also, Dr. Rosen recommends using an electric toothbrush for a deeper cleaning, and don’t forget to floss every night and use a fluoride rinse.

According to Dr. Rosen, yellow teeth can make people less attractive. So if you’re feeling a little extra, you could try whitening your teeth, as it will also make you look younger. If you don’t want to do that at the dentist, you could try over-the-counter (OTC) whitening products, such as the Crest White Strips.

Read also: 19 Expert-Recommended Ways to Be a More Thoughtful and Proactive Partner.

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