22 Everyday Habits That Will Help You Look Younger

© Shutterstock

1.Don’t forget to smile!

Such a cliché, right? However, this couldn’t be more important and a lot of people seem to forget that. Life get’s so busy and crazy sometimes, you focus on work, raising children, and providing for your family that you forget how important it is to feel joy.

And while the idea of happiness varies from one individual to another, there’s one small habit that can change your whole mood: smiling. In fact, a recent study asked participants of all ages (young, middle-aged, and elderly) to look at several photographs with strangers and guess their age.

Sad and fearful expressions made subjects look older, neutral expressions provided the most accurate result, but happy/smiling subjects were believed to be younger than they really were?

Wanna look younger without too much effort? Smile. As often as you can.

Read also: The Best Tips on How to Find Love in Your 40s.

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