20+ Post-Divorce Mistakes You Should Avoid No Matter What

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3.Start dating right away

You might feel emotionally prepared to dive back into the dating pool, but it’s better to just take things one at a time. You’re not competing against your ex for the “quickest recovery” trophy.  Finding a new partner requires you to embrace single life first. Starting a new relationship right after your divorce will not help you heal faster. At best, it can make you take your mind off things that cause you pain, but you still have to deal with them at some point.

These 7 Reasons Why You Need to Learn to Be Single might help you after your divorce.


4.Go on a shopping spree

You might need to distract yourself from feeling miserable and sad about your divorce. However, going on a spending spree and wasting your money on fancy clothes, jewelry, or sports cars is not going to help you beat the divorce blues. Those feelings won’t go away anytime soon. The only difference is that you’ll have to deal with them while struggling to pay off your newly acquired debts.


5.Hoping to never see your ex again

You might want to end your divorce and never see your ex ever again, especially if the breakup was not that civil, but you might be unable to do that. For one, if you have children, you’ll have to co-parent and meet your former spouse whenever you leave or take the kids. Even if you don’t have children, you might still have mutual friends, and you won’t be able to avoid every birthday and party you’re both invited to.

What you can do, instead, is to learn to be okay with their existence and act civil if you ever meet again. It will show your ex that you’ve got over them and moved on with maturity. Check out the Top 13 Most Shocking Facts About Divorce in the U.S.!

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